Welcome to my Website!

I am a first year student doing an IT project ATM, I am new to making websites so cut me some slack for this horrible quality, I am a beginner... This is my Youtube Channel, Here is a Link: Youtube

I am working on a background picture RN but first, somethings about myself;

I love music, almost all genres, but my favourites; Dubstep, Dubchestral, Trap, Orchestral, Classical, yes. my favourite song is 'Faux Tales - Atlas (abandoned remix)' cassified as melodic dubstep. I know, there is a massive variety of music I like..

I love games too, as most kids do. I like FPS most, although, my favourite game is Firewatch, because it had an amazing story and I really connected to the characters.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!